
We cover both brand name drugs and generic drugs. Generic drugs have the same active-ingredient formula as a brand name drug. Generic drugs usually cost less than brand name drugs and are rated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to be as safe and effective as brand name drugs.

What is a Formulary?

A formulary is a list of covered drugs which represents the prescription therapies believed to be a necessary part of a quality treatment program. We will generally cover the drugs listed in our formulary as long as the drug is medically necessary, the prescription is filled at a network pharmacy, and other plan rules are followed. For more information on how to fill your prescriptions, please review your Evidence of Coverage.

IMPORTANT: We also cover OTCs and glucose testing supplies which will not show up on the Drug Search tool. That information is available on the top right of this page under Helpful Plan Documents. (scroll down to see the list of preferred glucose testing supplies).

Helpful Plan Documents

  • picture_as_pdf Formulary List of Covered Drugs
  • picture_as_pdf Formulary Updates
  • picture_as_pdf Medications with Prior Authorizations
  • picture_as_pdf Medications with Step Therapy
  • picture_as_pdf CareAdvantage OTC Drug List
  • picture_as_pdf Preferred Glucose Testing Supplies

Drug Search

To begin your search, enter drug name:

Please Note: We also cover OTCs and glucose testing supplies which will not show up on the Drug Search tool. That information is available on the top right of this page under Helpful Plan Documents (scroll down to see the list of preferred glucose testing supplies). You can ask us to make an exception to our coverage rules. There are several types of exceptions that you can ask us to make: You can ask us to cover your drug even if it is not on our formulary. You can ask us to waive coverage restrictions or limits on your drug. You can ask us to provide a higher level of coverage for your drug.

2025 HPSM 685 MED D